About us

Hopeman Community Association was constituted in 1975 superseding the Hopeman Amenities group. The Association works for the benefit of the residents of Hopeman and is the voice of the village in dealing with Local Council and other authorities in matters affecting the village. It supports, by donation, local groups and other worthy causes.

One of the Association’s important responsibilities is the maintenance and administration of the Hopeman Memorial Hall. Much more than just a village hall, the Memorial Hall was constructed in 1929 solely from donations by local people to be a permanent memorial to the many men of the village who lost their lives in the First World War. As such it holds a special place in the hearts of the residents and is both well used for a wide variety of functions and well maintained thanks to the continuing support of residents.

Thomas Duff’s ancestors gifted to the village a significant area of ground adjacent to the village’s east beach. This ground, known locally as Cameron Park, is managed on behalf of the community by the Association. As well as being the home of our local skatepark, envied throughout the north east, it also provides facilities for local groups, including our successful football teams, the local primary school, Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies.

The Association Committee meets on the last Thursday of each month at 7.30pm (except July and December) in the Memorial Hall; the meeting is open to residents who wish to come along to raise particular issues or simply as observers.