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Please see below the latest new from the Hopeman Well-being group. Just click on the link:

Well-being letter No1

Well-being letter No2

Well-being letter No3

Well-being letter No4

Well-being letter No5

Well-being letter No6

Well-being letter No7

Well-being letter No8

Well-being letter No9

Well-being letter No10

Well-being letter No11

No.1 Seeds and Things

No.2 Germination and Potting on

No.3 Spring has Sprung

No.4 Weeds and Pruning

No.5 Moving on

No.6 Some Plant Varieties

No.7 Repotting

No.8 FeedingWeeding and Tying

No.10 Dead Heading and the Chelsea Cut

No.11 Some Harvesting

No.12 Outdoors and indoors

No.13 Firsts

No.14 Gardening news

No.15 Sunflowers

At this difficult time we all need to have some fun and build community spirit. Bee Happy in Hopeman is a space where we can come together to create and share moments of joy- click on image to left
See the source imageNHS Website with clear information on what to do if you have symptoms – click on image to left
See the source imageMental Health Helplines whether you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, these groups can offer expert advice –click on image to left
See the source imageGuidance on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of coronavirus (Covid-19) –click on image to left
Mikeys Line in Inverness – call 07779303303 (Leave a message for a call back)
Mikeys Line are a charity based in Inverness who offer a phone service to people struggling with mental health issues. They recognise the stress that people are under at the moment, and are available for help. https://www.facebook.com/Mikeysline/
See the source imageChurch of Scotland Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman
Scotland Baptist Church - Bentonia - Home | FacebookHopeman Baptist church
See the source imageNikon has made its entire curriculum of online photography classes free until the end of April – nikon-free-photography-classes-april3.22