Community Association

Message from Dennis Slater

Good afternoon folks,

In line with government advice, I will be planning to self isolate from this weekend. As a result, I will not be able to actively participate in community affairs to the extent I believe is required over the next few weeks. Lynda Heron will also be restricted during the period due to her family situation. 

Having discussed this with Lynda and Murray, we now plan to form a small Emergency Response Team to help co-ordinate a community response during the Covid-19 period. 

This will be led by Murray with additional support from:

  – Jenny Adams (community rep)

  – Tim Moyle (business rep)  

  – Carole Thomson (over-70s rep)

  – Andre Govier (logistics rep)    

We will also plan to work with:

  – Carmen Gillies (resilience adviser)

  – Mark Easton (health adviser) 

The team at this point reflects a mix of people with relevant skills who volunteered earlier in the week. As you all understand, we are in new territory here and the role and composition of the team will need to remain flexible and able to adapt to a changing situation.     

A key role for the team will be to ensure appropriate communication is maintained. The new facebook page will be used as a public information sharing platform, and the Committee will be separately informed on any key decisions.  I hope this will enable the Committee to feel connected, with the opportunity to offer any views on a timely basis, but that in the meantime, we trust the team to do what needs to be done without having to revert to the Committee on every issue. 

Stay safe everyone. 

best regards
