
Fish and Chips

If you are aged over 70, please read this page. If you stay with someone over 70, you also might want to read this.. Why? We have spoken with The Chippy They are going to open next Wednesday evening for HCA orders (13th May) It applies to households with a resident aged over 70 Everyone in the house can choose a supper All you need to do is place the order Our volunteers will deliver it And it’s already paid as a gift from the community If you are not in this category, you can also help by checking with relatives, neighbours and friends who are eligible and order for them – as long as you have their consent. Each eligible person can choose a fish supper, chicken supper, sausage supper or equivalent. Place your order by calling the Fish Line: 07708 178299 (The net of orders will be hauled in at 5pm on Tuesday)

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