
Dennis Slatter resigning as Chairman and Trustee of Hopeman Community Association

Dear Trustees and the Committee of Hopeman Community Association

With some heartfelt thought on Thursday 8th October 2020 I decided to resign as your Chairman and Trustee of Hopeman Community Association with immediate effect.

It’s been such an honour to have served as chairman and worked alongside you all as a  trustee and committee members and who have supported and encouraged me over the years.

There will always be changes and I felt it was time for me to step aside after being put under pressure and now to go and enjoy some special family time .

I’m leaving knowing H C A with their leadership and knowledge you may have along with other experienced and professional people will bring HCA to a new chapter through these difficult and trying times we have been faced with over the past few months with Covid 19 This may not have come as shock , as I have already stated I’ve been struggling and under pressure for some time with some nasty comments or may I say emails from certain people and they’ll know who they are.

Hopefully there will be no ill feelings between any of us on my decision and hopefully the HCA can move forward with their heads held high for all to see.

Could I make a very special thanks to all our volunteers through this Covid 19 pandemic who put themselves on the front line seeking out to help others and have chat when required and drawing along side our elderly. Grateful thanks must also go to the kind donations and cards and telephone calls which I received and to all the businesses for their valued support.

We are so so fortunate to live in such a lovely and close knit community , many many thanks to all of you.   You’ve all been amazing

Please Take Care ,Stay Safe ,and look out for one another. I’ll miss working with you all

Yours Faithfully

Dennis Slater