
Remembrance Sunday 2020

Arrangements for Hopeman & Duffus

Unfortunately we are not allowed to gather together this year, inside or outside at the memorials. This follows specific guidance from the Scottish Government and further clarification issued by Moray Council.  Instead, we are all encouraged to stand on our doorsteps at 11am to mark 2 minutes silence.  

There will be an intergenerational community remembrance service on video shared on Hopeman and church Facebook pages.  

Wreaths will be laid at the Hopeman Memorial Hall and Duffus War Memorial, through the morning, with no more than 2 people present at any time.  There will be prayer and 2 minute silence at 11am at both memorials, with a piper lamenting our losses. That will be livestreamed on Hopeman Baptist Church Facebook Page.

Please do NOT attend the memorials around 11am, and keep a 2m distance from others if you attend at other times.  You are also still welcome to add a stone to the remembrance cairns outside Hopeman, Duffus & Spynie Kirks.  

There is a service of reflection and prayer 1000-1030 in Duffus Kirk on Sunday 8th. To attend, please call Jenny Adams on 01343 830276 to book a place.  

Lest we forget….