
HCA November meeting

Please see below the agenda for November’s HCA Meeting. This meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Thursday 26th Nov, on Zoom.

I will send details of how to join the meeting on the day itself, and you will be able to join as long as you have an internet connection and an up to date browser. There is also options to join via ‘phone, and details of this will also be included.

1. Sederunt 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of previous Committee Meeting (Feb 2020) 4. Matters Arising:
● SCIO Update
● Gala Convenor 2020/21
● Beach Hut Transfers
● Ice House & 200 Club
● Summer Congestion
● Friendly Access (surfer charity)
● Covered Outdoor Space (Laura Paterson)
● Practical Work Groups
● Mobile Vendors
5. External Reports:
● Police & Community Warden Report
● Councillors’ Report
6. Sub Committee Reports (by exception)
● Memorial Hall
● Playing Field & Beach, Pavilion Sports Hub, Skate Park,
● Gala
● Planning, 200 Committee, Floral Committee
● Active Travel Route
7. Finance
8. Any Other Business
9. Date of Next Meeting: 28th January 2021 at 7pm